Store Location

Predigergasse 18, 8001 Zurich

Tel: +41 (0)43 366 84 41


Language: German, English, and Japanese

Opening Hour

Tuesday to Friday: 12:00 - 18:30
Saturday: 11:00 - 16:00
and by appointment

Opening Hours in May

2 to 11 May: normal opening hours
14 May to 1 June: stay closed

Between 14 May and 1 June, there is No delivery. So please place an order at latest by 5 May to receive the goods before that. The orders placed after that will be delivered after the reopen of 3 June.

Thank you very much for your understanding!

Online Store

Packing + Shipping fee Switzerland CHF 10.-

To any other countries outside Switzerland, please make an inquire per Email. The international shipping fee varies depending on the destination, the size and the weight of the package.  



Onoda is a charming small store located in the old town of Zurich, offering authentic Japanese products and objects made by individual artisans or small local producers throughout Japan.

The products are made based on the ancestor’s wisdoms that have been passed over several generations, and the innocent passion and the constant small innovation by the producers. Those items are not only optically fulfilling, but also functionally satisfying.

Japanese Craftsmanship is the essence of the store and its interpretation is broad to cover almost all areas of life.