FLOWer book



The function of paper used to be print for information, however books has been replaced by digital data. People slowly forget what was the function of paper. Without physically function, we create a book with psychologically function. When people get FLOWer, it will automatically remind people what was their memory for using a book. It can be a notebook, a sketch book, a diary, a box to collect plant, ticket, photos, memorable things. The tracing paper create a poetic feeling to make anything in the book looks beautiful and poetic. “FLOWer” means something(er) “flow” in your memory. 

Book detail 

The book size is handy like A6, and the whole book from cover to each page are all tracing paper. Book cover is 140P tracing paper and inside page is 90P tracing paper. The whole book is binding by transparent glue so the book side is light gray color. There is a press text “FLOWer” on book jacket. For each book, there is a dry flower (plant) between book jacket and book cover. The dry flower is made by pressed flower artist and each book has different dry flower, so each book cover is different. 

Tracing paper absorb water quickly, so this book can also collect pant and make dry plant. 

| FLOWer Book |

Size:105×150 mm / 290 Pages
Auther: Dan Tomimatsu
Publisher: Steven Chiu
Book design: Minako Kitahara
Book binding: Maytu printing & design CO.,LTD
Photography: Hsieh yi tse
Material: Tracing paper